Ten, Nine, Eight.
favourite colors: white, black, silver
favourite food: fish fillet
favourite songs: Trance, Indie, Rock, Pop
favourtie movies: Comedy, Teenage Romance, Racecars
favourite sports: Cycling, Bball, Futbol, Tennis, Running
favourite season: Autumn
favourite ice-cream flavours: peppermint, chocolate, fruit flavours
favourite countries: Singapore. Sentosa. XD
favourite things: my bicycle, my camera, my computer
current mood: worried shitless
current clothes: FBT sports bermudas and FBT jersey
current desktop: A particular spacescape WP from deviantart.com
current toe nails: i'm wearing socks -_-
current time: 6.25pm
current annoyance: myself. homework.
current thoughts: f**k should i see a doctor bout that minor scratch from the rusty screw?
current songs: Because I Am A Girl - Kiss
current chatter: Phoebe
first Girlfriend: yet to have a first.
first Boyfriend: first boy(space)friend would be some kindergarten dude called Sebastian(which I have no idea of his life/death)
first crush: Cindy
first movie: Star Wars Episode 4,5,6
first piercing: if u include accidental.. then it will be tt time in P3 when i stepped on a nail.
first lie: To my teacher for not handing up my homework
first music: Happy Birthday To You!
first toy: A whale wearing a blue cap.
first cry: 22nd July 1988
last drink: HL Milk
last car ride: Comfort Cab
last crush: ******(cant say HERE la! >.<)
last movie seen: American Pie 4
last phone call: to my mom about my scratch
last cd played: Medal Of Honour : Pacific Assault
4 THINGS YOU HAVE DONE TODAY: Cycled alot, played pool, took photos, ate Bak Chor Mee.
3 THINGS YOU HEAR RIGHT NOW: "Hate me for all the things I didnt do for you", some plastic bag rustling noises, some program on TV
2 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT: Oxygen! and water!
1 THING I DO WHEN IM BORED: Think of her.
WHO I WANT TO DO THIS: Anyone who reads this.