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    Music Of The Mood(28/10/06)

    <bgsound src="http://home.vs.moe.edu.sg/tangwxb/lastsong.wma">
    The All-American Rejects - The Last Song
  • Friday, October 27, 2006

    They deserve it.

    I woke up with a heavy heart this morning. It was a bad dream. Someone, a girl, whom i adored was raped and killed, and her killer got away scot-free. There was a funeral, with a procession and ceremonies and all, complete with grieving relatives and family. It was a terrible dream, the grief was so.. so.. real. Actually, everything about it felt so real. Am really glad that it was just a dream after all.

    Such a dream so early in the morning really affected me, somewhat. Was feeling really depressed for a good part of the day to be honest as the feeling of losing someone whom we cherished was really... well dreamt out >.>" Couldn't help feeling all emotional about all the people around me(and those I wish'd to be around me) and there was a whole load of "what if"s too.

    I hate killers. Fuck em all. I'm fine with people committing petty crimes cos they're only fucking themselves up, but when they start messing up and killing other people, I totally wish to burn them in hell. Rapists/Killers, Murderers, the lot can all just drop in a blackhole as far as I'm concerned. As if carrying out their sick fantasies of sex and whatnots on innocent people isn't bad enough, killing them after satisfying themselves is totally the straw that breaks the camel's back. Haven't heard of porn, adult toys and whores/gigolos? Go carry out your sick fantasies on these things which/who actually serves to fulfill your purposes and stop messing with innocents. Fuck, it makes me sick. I seriously wish to pick up some Death God's notebook and banish you lot all to hell. You deserve it. Fuckers.

    link | posted by A3306 at 11:57 PM |


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