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    Music Of The Mood(28/10/06)

    <bgsound src="http://home.vs.moe.edu.sg/tangwxb/lastsong.wma">
    The All-American Rejects - The Last Song
  • Sunday, June 11, 2006

    Weird Dream(s)

    Been having weird dreams lately. Nightmares in fact. And the funny(and weird) bit about these dreams are that they are like sequels to each other. And the worst part is that these dreams are about zombies. Too much House Of The Dead 4 or Resident Evil eh?

    Yea back on topic, the first was about these cockroaches suddenly became infected with this weird disease which is highly contagious and could be passed on easily to humans.. transforming them into zombies. Their tissue will decay rapidly and they develop a insatiable hunger and desire for human flesh, so they will chow on other human beings. And in this particular one, I was unfortunately the one escaping from them but being chowed upon in the end. =/

    THEN, the next night, the dream was about this zombies on a frenzy in the main city. It was just chaos and a total mess. I was this kid who nearly got chowed upon by my parents after discovering them feeding on my pet dog. Ran out onto the main road and there were people running, zombies roaming and basically a "live feed" going on. Wouldn't go into the details but curiously, the details of the zombies in the dreams were incredible, so was the blood. Yup, this dream ended just here.

    The THIRD sequel started with me withnessing some kid getting mashed up by this huge mutant thing (Think Nemesis from Resident Evil). And that THING decided that chasing me was fun. So I ran into this particular place which was like a condominium compound, complete with security fences and all that. Discovered that the people in the compound were all still healthy and sought refuge in one of the houses(which was empty..?) AND, suddenly to my horror, i saw this lone zombie shuffling through an open gate.... And i can even remember the look of his face. FREAKY!

    F**K, what do they mean? Hell, I dun wanna dream bout no zombie shits. Gimme pleasant dreams bout me and her pls. Thanks.

    link | posted by A3306 at 10:30 PM |


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