• DeviantArt

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    Music Of The Mood(28/10/06)

    <bgsound src="http://home.vs.moe.edu.sg/tangwxb/lastsong.wma">
    The All-American Rejects - The Last Song
  • Saturday, November 05, 2005


    Yea its getting worst. Today, was walking to the bus stop with Raymond after Suki buffet, saw the bus 51 pull up next to me behind a 153 and 112. So i sprinted across the road and a short distance to the bus stop( NO bus past me). When i reached the stop, the 112 juz reached.. 153 was behind.. and the 3rd bus.. WAS 72. And there were no more buses in sight. Hmm. Mirage? =_=" Anyways i had a nice surprise. Found quite alot of $$ in my cashbox which i haven opened in 5919085138905830918590 years. Lolx i muz have stuffed all my $$ inside and forgot about it. =S

    link | posted by A3306 at 9:15 PM |


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