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Music Of The Mood(28/10/06) |
Monday, September 26, 2005 Maplelised
Today's the first day of study break. Being that slacker ***hole i am, i obviously did not use it to study. Well, not most of it anyways. Spent most of the day playing MapleSea LOLx. Yea i noe, i'm JUST asking for a bunch of Fs in promos right? But well, i just got hooked so bad.. Leveled both my archer and warrior 2 times Lolx. Well, guess u can say i'm officially "maplelised". Anyways, time to hit the books, i have set some lofty goals for myself tonight. That is.. to finish up chemistry and physics revision. It is actually humanely possible if i just god damn FOCUS Lolx. Ok, ciao!
link | posted by A3306 at 7:18 PM |
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