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    Music Of The Mood(28/10/06)

    <bgsound src="http://home.vs.moe.edu.sg/tangwxb/lastsong.wma">
    The All-American Rejects - The Last Song
  • Sunday, July 03, 2005

    Going Crazy(about midis =D)

    okok, so today was kinda cool, went to play pool at bout 3pm++, thrashed my fren(s) =D then went to watch Initial-D. Show's kinda cool, but Jay seems to be stoned all the time XD all the racin and driftin was waaaaaay cool too! (dun try it at home!!) anyhoo, got bak around 10++, ate a can of tuna for dinner(supper?) -_-" went online etc etc the usual stuffs =) Hmm, recently got really hooked onto midis, been lookin for more and more midis to add to my playlist =D got about 50 midis now yay! Really good for use when studyin :P okok gonna go do some homework. Sheesh! Homework afta exams! what were they thinking? or maybe its tat i didn't do the holiday work xD anyhoo Peace~!

    link | posted by A3306 at 12:22 AM |


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